
Events Programme

At the start of each year members receive a Programme covering both outdoor events and indoor meetings. 

Details of forthcoming events can be seen on the front page of this web-site and reminders will be sent automatically to all User Group members.

See the EVENTS page for more information.


Newsletters are produced twice-yearly with various articles of interest to members.

They are available both as a printed booklet and as a PDF document. See the NEWSLETTERS page for more information and back-issues.

User Group

SDOS has a private email 'discussion group', which enables members who have an e-mail address to receive and post messages, photos etc relating to the latest bird sightings and other matters of interest to the group.

We use a leading third-party system to provide this service and it is independent of both our membership system and our website.

For more information on joining and using the group see the USER GROUP page.

Reporting Sightings

For help in identifying locations of sightings in posts on the User Group, and information on recording them, see the LOCATIONS page.

Rules, Guidelines etc

Various documents of use to members can be found on the DOCUMENTS page.